If you are into the supermarket business, you must be knowing about the different types of refrigeration option which are there in the supermarket. Many people wonder why supermarkets have these different types of refrigeration options. If you have been to the supermarket, you all would have seen that from small refrigeration to big refrigeration options, they have all. And you also see that there are different types of items kept in these commercial refrigerators. These refrigerators are multipurpose and are specially designed for supermarkets only. However, you will also find some of these refrigerator options in the cafes and bakery shops also. Let’s know why these commercial display refrigerators are designed differently and especially for the supermarkets.
For segregating different sections
When you visit the supermarket, you will notice that all the different kinds of freezers and chillers kept there have different food items kept in them. Also, you will see that these different refrigeration sections are also given the name like dairy products, beverages section, meat and poultry section, and many such other sections. Keeping them together can create confusion as people will find it difficult to get the food item which they want. They will have to check every section for getting what they need. But when the different types of refrigeration systems are there, it becomes easy for people to go and reach to section, from where they want to pick the food item. This is really helpful for the customers and for the supermarket store employees also, as it saves the time of both.
Different food items need different temperature
Just like if you want to keep ice-creams, you will need the temperature of 2 degrees to – 4 degree. Whereas, if you want to keep the dairy products, you can keep them at the temperature of 15 or 16 degrees. As keeping the dairy products in 1 degree or -2 degree, will freeze them. So, the freezer manufacturer manufactures different kinds of refrigeration systems according to the temperature. So, the supermarket stores can keep every kind of food item at the required temperature. This is the reason why you will see the ice creams kept in a different commercial display refrigerator or chiller and beverages kept in a different freezer.
Helps in displaying the food items properly
The marketing people feel that if the things are on the display, there are more chances of a sale. So, this is another reason, why these supermarket stores have some designer commercial display refrigerators with the glasses. The glasses help us in viewing these food items which also tempt us and most of the time we end up buying them, even if we don’t need them. So, for this purpose, the display refrigerators are designed in a way, so that customers can get the maximum view of the food items and eatables.
Final words
If you want to see different types of commercial refrigerators, you can check the website of the Ceviant , where you will get to see different types of supermarket commercial refrigerators.